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Your care at Advanced PainCare will begin with a thorough consultation and examination. We create a personalized treatment plan designed for the most effective, long-lasting relief.


We provide a multitude of nonsurgical procedures to resolve your pain and restore you to your active life.


Less pain.  Less anxiety.

An equal mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen inhaled during a procedure provides sedation and pain relief.  Nitrous oxide analgesia has long been known to be a safe and effective means to alleviate discomfort.  If you've struggled with tolerating pain management procedures, ask for nitrous oxide today at Advanced PainCare and BioHealth Institute.

Oxygen Equipment Maintenance



  • Back, neck, and spinal pain

  • Osteoarthritis pain

  • Pinched nerves

  • Lumbar sprain

  • Sciatica

  • Radiating pain

  • Muscle spasms

  • Post-surgery back pain

  • Sports injuries

  • Cancer Pain

  • Chronic Pain Syndrome​

  • Spinal stenosis

  • Achilles tendon tear

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Post Operative Pain

  • Disc Disease

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Facet Syndrome

  • Herniated Disc

  • Lumbar Radiculopathy

  • Neuropathies

  • Shingles & Postherpetic Neuralgia

  • Spinal Stenosis

  • Tendon Injuries

  • Meniscus injuries

  • Sacroiliac joint pain

  • Tennis and golf elbow

  • Obesity

  • Post-menopausal symptoms

  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • Chronic inflammation

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Testosterone deficiency (Low "T")

  • Thyroid disease

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • Nerve Blocks
    Often, a nerve is considered to be a direct generator of pain. (Rather than the nerves within a disc or tendon or muscle) This may be the result of nerve compression or injury. To identify or confirm a specific nerve as a pain generator we will commonly utilize a diagnostic nerve block. Once a nerve is blocked with a small amount of local anesthetic using ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance (to achieve precision in anesthetic placement) we assess the level of pain reduction. If significant, we will plan,treatment measures to heal this damaged nerve. Platelet lysate hydrodissection is often successful in alleviating pain from carpal or tarsal tunnel syndrome or other entrapment neuropathies. This involves the injection of healing growth factors isolated from your own platelets. No surgery. No steroids. The Regenexx way.
  • Ultrasound and XR Guided Injections
    Injections wisely performed can often obviate the need for much more invasive and riskier surgical procedures. But for injection therapy to be effective it must be precise. At Advanced PainCare, we use ultrasound and fluoroscope to guide each injection to ensure the most precise, effective treatment.
  • Epidural Injections
    For years physicians have taken advantage of the epidural space as a safe route to deliver medication to treat pain stemming from spinal conditions such as spinal stenosis, herniated discs and vertebral fractures. Sadly, we used steroids in high doses for years, considering their benefits far in excess of any theoretical risks. Now we understand that those risks are not theoretical. They are real. Epidurally administered steroids in the conventional doses used in pain management clinics across the nation can contribute to lowered bone mineral density and vertebral fractures. Post-menopausal women are particularly at risk. A safer way to treat spine generated pain is with a platelet lysate epidural. Years of data collected from Regneexx practices shows platelet lysate epidural injections to be superior to epidural steroids injections, both in terms of degree of pain relief and longevity or effectiveness. If you choose to continue to undergo conventional epidural steroid injections please limit your yearly cumulative dose to less than 200 mg methylprednisolone.( This is about 2.5 ESI/year using methylprednisolone or DepoMedrol)
  • Regenerative Medicine
    At Advanced PainCare we are wholly committed to staying abreast of the latest evidence based therapeutics for pain, especially if those therapeutics offer a safer, more natural alternative to our current therapies for resolving pain. Providing platelet–rich plasma (PRP) and bone marrow -derived stem cell injections is an example of how we’ve integrated the latest state of the art therapies into our practice to provide world-class care close to home. These therapies take advantage of our bodies’ embedded programming and biochemicals to restore damaged tissues and reduce pain. Platelets contain granules with growth factors that, when activated, trigger a cascade of healing reactions in tissues. Stem-cells have the ability to reproduce the target tissue where they are injected; they know what type of tissue to grow into based on their genetic programming. As a Regenexx® Network Affiliate office we offer only the latest, evidence based regenerative therapies for musculoskeletal conditions. Read More About Regenexx®.
  • Amino Acid Therapy
    Chronic conditions affecting our bodies change our metabolism and how our body utilizes certain nutrients; this affects the way our nervous system functions. Amino acid based medical foods are developed to meet the distinct metabolic demands of a disease, providing the resources to restore and maintain health. As standalone medications or used in conjunction with other prescription or non-prescription medication, patients taking amino acid based medical foods have demonstrated a significant reduction in pain and inflammation compared to baseline. We employ several products to reduce pain from inflammation, damaged nerves and fibromyalgia. We have a natural amino acid based sleep inducer that is safe to use in conjunction with any co-existing medical condition and medication.
  • Wellness
    Our bodies were designed for wellness. We thrive by engaging in the right activities, eating proper diets, and avoiding toxins. At Advanced PainCare our initial evaluation is tailored to clients interested in improving their overall health and achieving optimal wellness.
  • Prolotherapy
    Prolotherapy is a unique and well documented approach to treating pain from a variety of causes. The goal of this treatment is to stimulate healing of damaged tendons, ligaments and other tissues. Our body has an amazing capacity to self-heal through inflammation; we experience this as swelling, redness and pain. Unfortunately, our bodies generally stop short of complete healing. The good news is that we can stimulate healing to continue by injecting triggering agents into damaged tissue. By inciting inflammation we can encourage our body to heal tendons, ligaments, bone, skin and more. The procedure involves injecting a dextrose and lidocaine solution into the injured area. A brief period of enhanced pain generally occurs but this is a sign of regeneration taking place. Prolotherapy can be used to treat back pain, pain after surgery, painful scars, tennis or golfer’s elbow, knee and shoulder pain, TMJ, osteoarthritis, tendonitis and ligament injuries. Prolotherapy is very safe and has few adverse effects. It is important to realize, however, that tissue renewal is a process and a series of injections will be necessary provide adequate sustained results. It is not covered by local insurance plans so it will involve a cash payment based on the complexity of the treatment.



Our pain care professionals are ready to work with you and help you live the vital, active life you deserve.










97 N. 36th St.

Camp Hill, PA 17011

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